Cuillin Hills, Isle of Skye, Scotland, is one of the classic sites in Scotland. They are a range of dramatic Rocky Mountains ranges on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. The red hills that are lower less rocky and are across the cuillins and it is for this reason that they are differentiated from the red hills by acquiring the name black cuillins.
Much of Cuillin Hills, Isle of Skye, Scotland are a result of lava formation. The eruption caused basaltic lava flow that formed the cuillins hills and the adjacent red hills were formed from emplacement of the black cuillins. The Cuillin Hills, Isle of Skye, Scotland, are an attraction to visitors because of the minor intrusions, inner and outer layered series, as well as tall dark, jagged peaks of the black cuillins, plus the well rounded red hills. This forms a spectacular site for visitors and climbers.
This spectacular site attracts visitors all year round and can access this spectacular peaks and excellent view of the cuillins and red hills by boat trips to the heart of the mountain.
Cuillins Hills, Isle of Skye, Scotland has a mild oceanic climate that is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream; the cool temperatures in January, in May the sunny days make it ideal for visitors.
The Cuillins Hills, Isle of Skye, Scotland hosts a variety of bird species especially game birds. Domestic fowls, red deer, sheep and goats are in great numbers. The sea is also a bound with lots of fish.